Gelephu (previously spelled as Gaylegphug) geog (also called block) is located at the centre of Sarbhangg district. The Geog has a total area of 53.6 square kilometer. It has 7 chiwogs and eight villages with 412 households currently. Some of the villages include Lodrai, Mainatar, Purano Basti, Samitar and Lakhitar. Historically, Gaylegphug was called Hattisar, where stands today southern Bhutan's one of the major commercial hub due to its proximity with India.
Gaylegphug was district headquarters until 1988, thereafter shifted to Sarbhang. Since then Gaylegphug remains the sub division or Dungkhag.
According to the government statistics, 80 percent of the geog is covered by forests. The major crops grown in are paddy, maize and millet and cash crops like orange. This block has 1535 males and 1405 females (excluding those evicted in 1990 and including those resettled in south after 1998).
The block lies under Gelephu Constituency and has only three polling stations for 1058 male and 927 female voters.
It has 14.5 km long irrigation channel, 2.5 km farm road and 8 km feeder roads. Despite being a suburban area, only 150 households in the block have telephone lines. 415 houses in six of the villages have electricity facility. There are six RWSS centers serving 452 households.
1928.42 Acres of land in the block is dry while 1034.64 Acres is wet. Tsheri culture is practiced in 22.48 Acres and Orange Orchard spawns in 4.70 Acres of land.
With the government initiatives to established an airport in the block and developing the bazaar into a special economic zone is likely to boost the economy of the block in short period.
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