‘D’ for ‘dancing’’…. not ‘drugs’, says Gelephu YIC

September 21, 2009 · Most observers say that lack of recreational facilities is one of the factors that youth take to drugs


In an effort to keep society drug free, Gelephu Youth In formation Centre, including some volunteers from the town, organised a cultural evening, themed 'Empower Youth for Change' on Sep tember 19 and 20.

The programme, especial ly showcased the students' dancing skills in modern Dzongkha steps to Hollywood hip-hops. The audience, in cluding parents who came to see their children perform, they packed the 700-seater Losal theatre on both the eve­nings.

The free show targeted cre ating awareness among the lay public on drugs and also on communicable diseases like HIV-AIDS and malaria.

The programme, which pro vided a platform for Gelephu youth to showcase their tal ents, came at a time when many residents were feeling the need for some recreation al facilities in the town.

Lack of recreational facili ties is one of the reasons for youth to indulge in undesir able activities, an observer said. "So, such programmes to keep the youth engaged would help them refrain from drugs and other undesirable activities," he added.

Speaking on the occa sion, Youth Manager of Gelephu Youth Information Centre,Tashi said that the programme was organised to create awareness about social issues like drugs and AIDS.

The successful perfor mance demonstrated that youth could stay away from drugs if they concentrate on such useful activities.

Source: Bhutan Today

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