CDG use questioned

Bhutan Observer, 6 November 2009

The constituency development grant has been mired in controversies. The next controversy surrounding it is whether the projects initiated under it are in line with the CDG guidelines.
Seven MPs are already using the grant for scholarships, construction, renovation, maintenance and purchase of various machineries. Free ferry transportation across Mao Khola, for instance, should not to be covered by CDG, say some legislators, because the operation of free boat service falls under recurrent expenses which, according to the CDG guidelines, fall under activities that cannot be financed by CDG.
“How long can such free services be provided?” wrote Lobsang Dorji, a Bhutanese working in America on the Opposition Leader Tshering Tobgay’s blog. The provision of scholarship, too, may fall under recurrent expenditure, said some people Observer spoke to. Scholarships for students are one of Speaker Jigme Tshultrium’s CDG-funded activities.
Now with the Election Commission of Bhutan declaring CDG unconstitutional, some people wonder whether certain activities initiated in alleviationthe constituencies through CDG could be revoked. And what would happen to the projects underway if CDG is revoked as suggested by the election commission? What would ECB do if the government refuses to revoke it?
To this, the Chief Election Commissioner, Dasho Kunzang Wangdi, said the commission had full faith in the cabinet ministers. “Therefore, we are confident that they would see logic and resolve this minor aberration lawfully in favour of the larger public interest,” he said.
Out of the seven constituencies that are making use of the grant, two are in Trashigang, two in Sarpang, and one each in Tsirang, Mongar and Punakha dzongkhags.
Betini Gewog under Kilkhorthang-Mendregang constituency in Tsirang has availed the grant. The MP of the constituency, Deputy Speaker Yangku Tshering Sherpa, said the tender for farm road construction will be floated in November.
CDG-funded projects are in full swing in Wamrong constituency.
So far, Nu 2 million of the Nu 4 million grant has been used. According to the MP of Wamrong constituency, Lhatu, he received numerous proposals but passed only those that were relevant.

The constituency development grant has been mired in controversies. The next controversy surrounding it is whether the projects initiated under it are in line with the CDG guidelines.

Seven MPs are already using the grant for scholarships, construction, renovation, maintenance and purchase of various machineries. Free ferry transportation across Mao Khola, for instance, should not to be covered by CDG, say some legislators, because the operation of free boat service falls under recurrent expenses which, according to the CDG guidelines, fall under activities that cannot be financed by CDG.

“How long can such free services be provided?” wrote Lobsang Dorji, a Bhutanese working in America on the Opposition Leader Tshering Tobgay’s blog. The provision of scholarship, too, may fall under recurrent expenditure, said some people Observer spoke to. Scholarships for students are one of Speaker Jigme Tshultrium’s CDG-funded activities.

Now with the Election Commission of Bhutan declaring CDG unconstitutional, some people wonder whether certain activities initiated in alleviationthe constituencies through CDG could be revoked. And what would happen to the projects underway if CDG is revoked as suggested by the election commission? What would ECB do if the government refuses to revoke it?

To this, the Chief Election Commissioner, Dasho Kunzang Wangdi, said the commission had full faith in the cabinet ministers. “Therefore, we are confident that they would see logic and resolve this minor aberration lawfully in favour of the larger public interest,” he said.

Out of the seven constituencies that are making use of the grant, two are in Trashigang, two in Sarpang, and one each in Tsirang, Mongar and Punakha dzongkhags.

Betini Gewog under Kilkhorthang-Mendregang constituency in Tsirang has availed the grant. The MP of the constituency, Deputy Speaker Yangku Tshering Sherpa, said the tender for farm road construction will be floated in November.

CDG-funded projects are in full swing in Wamrong constituency.

So far, Nu 2 million of the Nu 4 million grant has been used. According to the MP of Wamrong constituency, Lhatu, he received numerous proposals but passed only those that were relevant.

By Metho Dema and Jigme Wangchuk

Sl no Constituency gewogs Activity name
1 Kilkhorthang-Mendregang constituency Betini Construction of farm road from Ghaley Golai to Bhulkhey via Gewog office.
2 Gelephu constituency Umling Maintenance of farm road from taklai to langkhar
Chuzagang Construction of Gabion wall at Kalokhola
Gelephu Construction of Gabion wall at Pelrithang and purano busty
Tareythang Construction of toilet for Children
Jigmecholing Maintenance of 2 lhakhang and 2 mandirs
Sershong Construction of foot bridge and horticulture farm
Bhur Construction of multi-purpose hall at dechenpelri pry school and Bhur CPS
Umling, Chuzagng, tareythang and Sershong

Operating boat service

3 Shompangkha constituency Hilley Extension of Hilley Kharchu Dratshang and construction of Lhakhang at Ratey Pani
Singhi Construction of Public hall with toilets
4 Lingbukha-Teowang constituency Teowang Procurement of water pump for irrigation
5 Mongar constituency Tsakaling Purchase of electric chilli drying machine

Walnut orchard development

Orange orchard development in Takhambi

New RWSS for Dubdra and Zangtung village


Purchase of cornflake machine

Purchase of oil expeller

Chali Farm road construction from gewog centre to Gonpa



Purchase of cornflake machine

Purchase of oil expeller

Potato chips processing units in Phosorong

6 Womrong Khaling Setting up of maize grinding and cornflake

machine at Barshong, Lemi and Brekha

Setting up of maize grinding and cornflake

machine at Bayphu and Jeri

Setting up of tailoring house and machine
Construction of RWSS at Manizor and Barshong

Lumang Purchase of Jersey
Construction of poultry farm at Dori, Lumang and Kurichelo
Construction of extended classroom at Kheri
Installation of golden pinnacle (sertog) at Moshi Lhakhang, Tshogonpa Lhakhang, Kharphu Lhakhang, ladder/Manidungkhor at Sangmari Lhakhang
Installation of Nangtens for Garab Wangchen Lhakhang
8 Radhi-Sakteng Merak Scholarship to the students
Support to livestock product of Merak Throm
Renovation and construction of Lhakhang
Procurement of Yak cham attires
Sakten Scholarship to the students
Renovation of chorten and construction of kitchen
Renovation of water supply and water pipes at Takti
Phongmey Scholarships to students
Constructon of wooden house/hut near Lhakhang
Renovation of Lhakhang
Radhi Sholarships to the students
Planning and designing of senior people’s home
Construction of farm road at Radhi Lhakhang

Construction of alter at Tongling Lhakhang

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