The Representative to NA-2

Constituency: Gelephu; Total voters: 9427
Name: Prem Kumar Gurung
Political Party: Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT)
Votes received during 2008 elections: 6398

Mr. Prem Kumar Gurung represents Gelephu Constituency, Sarpang as the Candidate of Druk Phuensum Tshogpa. He graduated from Motilal Nehru Regional Engineering College, Allahabad, India in 1985 with Bachelors of Engineering. In 1986, he joined his service as Assistant Engineer and climbed the ladder until he was promoted to Executive Engineer in 2002. He was associated with urban development, sewage systems and river embankment works including paramount work on industrial estates’ planning and development. Prem joins the Party with immense knowledge and experiences in human settlement, environmental planning, communication skills, low cost housing, use of global position system and geographical information systems. He is married and they have two sons.

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