The Representative to NA

Constituency: Shompangkha; Total voters: 7995
Name: Nandalal Rai
Political Party: Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT)
Votes received during 2008 elections: 4879

Maj. (Redt) N. L. Rai represents Shompangkha Constituency, Sarpang as the Candidate of Druk Phuensum Tshogpa. He graduated his Bachelors of Arts in 1975 from NDA, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and obtained his Masters in Science in 1990 from University of Madras. He joined as a cadet officer and was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in RBA in 1976. He has worked in various capacities as Platoon and Company Commander and the Chief Administrative Officer and took a voluntary resignation in 2003. He was awarded Indian Military Academy "Gold Medal" for Best Sportsman of the Year 1976. His thorough discipline in the defense abounds him with ample experience in organization and management skills that will be highly benefiting the Party. He is married and they have a daughter and a son. He is currently serving as Information and Communication Minister in DPT cabinet.

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