Training of Trainers on Silviculture at Tsirang
Silviculture is a key tool for the sustainable management of forests, be these government reserved forests, forests in FMUs or community forest (CFs). With growing numbers of CFs in the country, it is particularly important to further develop the silviculture capacities of filed level staff of the Department of Forest (DoF) and the Community Forestry Management Groups (CFMGs) to actively manage forests under CF for the benefit of the communities. The training was launched in the presence of the Tsirang Dzongrab (centre) as the Chief Guest. The Heads of SFD, FRDD and resource persons from CNR Lobesa, RNR Research Centres, Territoral Divisions and Parks and forest rangers from various Dzongkhags are participating in the training. The training is on field based and hands on training for the forestry staff and Community Forest Management Group (CFMGs) members. This training is expected to be helpful to update the knowledge with modern technology for the foresters, though most of them are having knowledge on silviculture practices, and would be able to disseminate the knowledge to built management capacity of the forest managers at all level. The Chief Forest Officer, Head of SFD, Mr. B.B Chettri said in his opening session that this training is focused on building of capacity of the decision makers, implementers and trainers, who will ultimately become a group of experts and trainers to provide training and disseminate knowledge on silvicultural practices at the national level. He said it is important for us to maintain forest on sustainable basis with good science that will be applicable to all types of forests. Group presentations about their issued plots Mr. B.B Chettri said, “Besides foresters, it is also high time to train the local communities who have been managing the forest and we need to recognise the traditional practice of managing the resources and only we need to do is to improve their managerial capacity and to provide the appropriate management tools and technologies.” “This would aim mainly on achieving the long term objectives of the Government to manage the forest with the principle of sustainability that ultimately aims to improve rural livelihood.” he added. Mr. Erich Oberholzer and Mr. Raphael Schwitter, consultants in silviculture were the trainers who were funded through the Participatory Forest Management Project (PFMP). According to Mr. Erich who was involved when PFMP started in 2002, he said, “with the strong increase in the number of CFs and with the growing harvesting activities in many forests, it became obvious that a new strategy with a good multiplication effect is needed. That’s why now training of trainers (ToT) course in silviculture is offered. “ He said these trainers will be able to train their colleagues in the Dzongkhag forest service, in the parks and in the territorial forest service. The ultimate objective is to reach sustainability, means that our forests are able to fulfill all functions (production, protection, social functions) continuously and everywhere. In 2004, 2005 and 2006, one week courses were held in Mongar, Bumthang and Gelephu, in total about 80 participants. The courses were based on the silvicultural manual which could update the foresters knowledge with modern technology and would be able to disseminate the knowledge to build management capacity of the forest managers at all levels. Mr. Erich also said, “Based on the experiences made by the participants and the work we do in the course, we also hope to come up with proposals how to further improve the quality of the manaual.” According to the comprehensive background information from the SFD, the Director of the Department of Forest (DoF) has approved the establishment of this “group of trainers in silviculture” and has mandated a working group of the Forest Resources Development Division (FRDD) and SFD to work out the details. SFD intends to launch the “group of trainers” in the late autumn of 2009. In connection with this, SFD also plans to conduct training for trainers (ToT) in silviculture for the group members in November and December 2009, in collaboration with FRDD, relevant RCs, FORED and with the support of Mr. Erich Oberholzer and Mr Raphael Schwitter. Directly following the ToT, the trained foresters shall themselves organise a first course for CFMG members and forestry staff, with the support of national experts and international consultants. Mr. Erich Oberholzer briefing the participants The consultants will document their work in a report, of which a draft version should be submitted to PFMP before their departure from Bhutan. Reported and photos by Chencho Gyaltshen in Ministry of Agriculture |
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